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Taxi Reports and Statistics

Business Statistics are the output of a  number of pre defined Key Performance Indicators (KPI's).  Such indicators let management define a set of quantifiable measures that allow them to review both business and employee performance to determine whether they meet the businesses strategic and operational goals.  Such metrics also allow management to monitor individual performance and drive behaviour in the business.

The Adepteo Metrics can be divided into three categories:

  • Employee;
  • Telephony; and
  • Bookings.

The Adepteo Wallboard which shows data in real time can display across media from mobile phones and tablets through to large plasma screens. The Adepteo Dashboard displays summaries of both historical and real time data across a time frame set by the customer.  Customers can choose how such information is displayed i.e.. Line Graphs, Bar Charts, Pie Charts and Numeric Data etc.

These metrics can be tailored to meet the individual business needs and with regards to the booking statistics the information available is dependent upon the information that can be mined from the Taxi dispatch system.  

For further information please contact Adepteo.